Home - Gholamreza Ahmadian
Research Interests

Interaction of VLP-SpyCatcher and SpyTag-antigen was set up.
A- For antigen we made a chimeric antigen consisting of epitopes of 4 different genes from Salmonella typhy as a Potential vaccine. Lanes are loaded as follows: 1-3 SpyC-VLP interaction with SpyTag-salmonellachimeric antigen. 4, marker; 5, SpyC-VLP; 6, SpyTag-salmonellachimeric antigen
B- Overview of Plug-and-Display VLP assembly. SpyCatcher is genetically fused to the AP205 phage coat protein (AP205 CP3) and expressed in E. coli.
Self-assembly of monomers generates SpyCatcher-VLPs. Upon mixing, SpyTag-antigen forms a spontaneous isopeptide bond with SpyCatcher-VLPs, yielding decorated particles for immunization.

Quantum dot-labeled fluorimetry is a technique that can be used to follow the interaction of SpyCatcher/SpyTag containing proteins. Quantum dots emit light when excited by a light source. By labeling one of the SpyCatcher/SpyTag containing proteins with quantum dots, researchers can measure the amount of light emitted to determine the extent of protein interaction.

Sortase-mediated surface display of the B. subtilis vegetative form

1984-1988 B.Sc. in Microbiology, Tehran University, Iran
1989-1993 M.Sc, Medical Microbiology, Tehran University, Iran
1994-1998 Ph.D. Warwick University, U.K.
- Collaborative Research Grant from ICGEB, Italy, 2005 (total 36,000 Euro)
- Short-Term Fellowship award from ICGEB, Italy, 2004
- Postdoctoral fellowship from the University of Toronto (Hospital for Sick Children) in Canada.
- Research Grant from Iran National Science Foundation, 2022
- Research Grant from Iran National Science Foundation, 2021
- Research Grant from Iran National Science Foundation, 2017
- Research Grant from Iran National Science Foundation, 2012
- Research Grant from Iran National Science Foundation, 2010
- Outstanding operational Grant from NIGEB, Iran, 2004
- Year 2001 traveling fellowship awards of Journal of cell science; U.K. to attend Dr Yamamoto’s lab in University of Tokyo, Japan.
- PhD Scholarship from Ministry of Higher Education of Iran to perform my PhD in England (1998).
Current and Previous collaborations
- Key Laboratory of Infection and Immunity, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Prof. Mingzhao Zhu), on Surface Display as a platform for vaccine development.
- Universität Stuttgart (Prof. J. Altenbuchner), Institut für Industrielle Genetik, on Studying Regulation of Bacterial Operons and developing novel expression systems.
- Federico University (Prof. E. Ricca), Dept of Structural & Functional Biology, Naples, Italy, on B. subtilis Spore Surface Display.
- Shinshu University (Prof. J Sekiguchi) · Department of Bioscience and Textile Technology, Ueda, Japan.
- Medical University of Gdańsk (Dr. K. Hinc; Prof. M. Obuchowski), Laboratory of Molecular Bacteriology, Poland, on B. subtilis Spore Surface Display.
- University of Groningen (prof. dr. J.M. (Jan Maarten) van Dijl), Department of Medical Microbiology. Groningen, The Netherlands, on sortase-mediated surface Display.
Reviewer of Journals
1-2024 - 30/2026 Appointed as the ASM Country Ambassador to Iran
1/2023 - now Professor, NIGEB, Iran
2018 - 2022 Head of System Biotechnology Group, NIGEB, Iran
2002 - now Associate Professor, NIGEB, Iran
2008 - 2013 Head of research management office, NIGEB, Iran
2006 - 2006 Short-term postdoctoral fellowship, Shinshu University, Japan
2005 - 2005 Short-term postdoctoral fellowship, ICGEB, Italy
2002 - 2002 Short-term postdoctoral fellowship, University of Tokyo, Japan
1998 - 2002 Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Toronto, Canada
1992 - 1994 Diagnostic molecular biology laboratory in a Amir-Kabir Hospital. Iran
1- G Ahmadian, P Chambers and A Easton. Detection and characterization of novel proteins encoded by the second ORF of the M2 gene of pneumoviruses. Journal of General Virology, 1999, 80: 2011-2016.
2- Gholamreza Ahmadian, Jaspal S. Randhawa and Andrew J. Easton. Expression of the ORF-2 protein of the human respiratory syncytial virus M2 gene is initiated by a termination-reinitiation mechanism. EMBO J. 2000 Jun 1;19 (11):2681-9.
3- JW Lin, W Ju, K Foster, SH Lee, G Ahmadian, M Wyszynski, YT Wang and M Sheng. Distinct molecular mechanisms and divergent endocytotic pathways of AMPA receptor internalization. Nature Neuroscience, 2000, 3, 1282-1290.
4- HY Man, J Lin, W Ju, G Ahmadian, L Liu, M Sheng and YT Wang. Regulation of AMPA Receptor-Mediated Synaptic Transmission by Clathrin-Dependent Receptor Internalization. Neuron, 2000, 25: 649-662
5- Heng-Ye Man, William Ju, G. Ahmadian and Yu Tian Wang. Intracellular trafficking of AMPA receptors in synaptic plasticity. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2000 Oct;57(11):1526-34.
6- Wang J, Liu S, Haditsch U, Tu W, Cochrane K, Ahmadian G, Tran L, Paw J, Wang Y, Mansuy I, Salter MM, Lu Y. Interaction of calcineurin and type-A GABA receptor gamma 2 subunits produces long-term depression at CA1 inhibitory synapses. J Neuroscience 2003 Feb 1;23(3):826-36
, Yu Tian Wang and Michael W. Salter. Glycine binding primes NGholamreza Ahmadian7-Yi Nong, Yue-Qiao Huang, William Ju, Lorraine V. Kalia,
8- Heng-Ye Man, Qinghua Wang, Wei-Yang Lu, William Ju, Gholamreza Ahmadian, Lidong Liu, Sandra D’Souza,T.P. Wong, C. Taghibiglou, Jie Lu, Larry E. Becker, Lin Pei, Fang Liu, Matthias P. Wymann, John F. MacDonald, and Yu Tian Wang. Activation of PI3-Kinase Is Required for AMPA Receptor insertion during LTP of mEPSCs in Cultured Hippocampal Neurons. Neuron, 2003, 38, 611–624.
9- Wang Q, Liu L, Pei L, Ju W, Ahmadian G, Lu J, Wang Y, Liu F, Wang YT. Control of synaptic strength, a novel function of akt. Neuron. 2003 Jun 19;38(6):915-28.
10- G. Ahmadian, W Ju, L Liu, M Wyszynski, SH Lee, AW Dunah, C Taghibiglou, Y W, Jie Lu, TP Wong, M Sheng and YT Wang. GluR2 Tyrosine phosphorylation of GluR2 is required for regulated AMPA receptor endocytosis and hippocampal LTD. EMBO Journal, 2004, Feb 19, 1-11.
Receptor (GAB-Aminobutyric acidg-Hydroxybutyric Acid (GHB) and g11- Ying Wu, Saima Ali, Gholamreza Ahmadian, Chun Che Liu, Yu Tian Wang, K. Michael Gibson, Andrew R. Calver, Joseph Francis, Menelas N. Pangalos, O. Carter Snead.
12- Ahmadian G, Arbabi GH M, Rastgoo N, Rahimi Mianji G. Bacterial expression and functional characterization of a naturally occurring exon6-less preprochymosin cDNA. Iranian Journal of Biotechnology, 2005, vol 3, No. 1.
13- Seifati M and Ahmadian G. (2005) Applications of Microarray in Molecular Genetics. Modern Genetics. No 4.
14- Gholamreza Ahmadian*, Mehdi Shamsara, Andrew J. Easton. Pneumoviruses: Molecular Genetics and Reverse Genetics. Iranian Journal of Biotechnology, 2005, Vol 3, No 2.
15- Vetiska S.M, Ahmadian G, Ju W, Liu L, Wymann M.P, Wang Y.T. (2006) GABAA receptor-associated phosphoinositide 3-kinase is required for insulin-induced recruitment of postsynaptic GABAA receptors. Neuropharmacology August 3, 1-10 (doi:10.1016).
16 - Shamsara M, Ghorashi SA, Ahmadian G. (2006) Cloning and nucleotide analysis of the vp2 gene of a very virulent infectious bursal disease virus isolate from iran. Acta Virol. 50: 229-34
17- Ahmadian G*., Degrassi G., Venturi V., Zeigler D., Soudi M., Zangui-nejad P. Bacillus pumilus SG2 isolated from saline conditions produces and secretes two chitinases. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2007 Oct; 103(4):1081-9.
18- L. Badiefar , G. Ahmadian , E. Asgarani , S. Ghandili , M. Salek, Esfahani , M. Khodabandeh. Optimization of Conditions for Expression and Activation of a Splice Variant of Prochymosin
Lacking Exon 6 in Escherichia coli. (2009) Int J of Dairy Tech. 62, No 2 , 265-271
19- Ali DEHESTANI, Gholamreza AHMADIAN*, Ali Hatef SALMANIAN, Nadali Babaeian JELODAR1, Mehdi SEYEDI and Kamal KAZEMITABAR. Investigation into the Arabidopsis transformant selection time and escapes frequency reduction. Biharean Biologist (2009) Vol. 3, No.1, Pp.: 51-58, P-ISSN: 1843-5637, E-ISSN: 2065-1155 Article No.: 031109
20- A. Dehestani, G. Ahmadian*, A. H. Salmanian, N. B. Jelodar, K. Kazemitabar. Transformation efficiency enhancement of Arabidopsis vacuum infiltrationby Surfactant application and apical inflorescence removal. Trakia Journal of Sciences, 2009 (accepted)
21- Abbas Shali, Seyedhadi Ghasemi, Gholamreza Ahmadian*, Gholamali Ranjbar, Naeimeh Khalesi, Ebrahim Motallebi, Majid Vahed. Bacillus pumilus SG2 chitinases induced and regulated by chitin, show inhibitory activity against Fusarium graminearum and Bipolaris sorokiniana. (2010), Phytoparasitica 38 (2), pp. 141-147
22- Ali Dehestani; Kamal Kazemitabar; Gholamreza Ahmadian*; Nadali B Jelodar; Ali Salmanian; Mehdi Seyedi; Heshmatollah Rahimiyan, Seyedhadi Ghasemi. Chitinolytic and antifungal activity of a Bacillus pumilus SG2 chitinase, ChiS, expressed in Arabidopsis. (2010) Biotechnology Letters 32 (4), pp. 539-546
23- Seyedhadi Ghasemi, Gholamreza Ahmadian*, Nadali Babaeian Jelodar, Heshmatollah Rahimian, Soheila Ghandili, Ali Dehestani and Parvin Shariati. Antifungal Chitinases from Bacillus pumilus SG2:preliminary report. (2010) World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 26 (8), pp. 1437-1443.
24- Ahmadi Zeydabadi, M., Ahmadian, G*., Sorouri, R. Production of full-length and splicing form of chymosin using pET expression system in E-coli and investigation its enzyme activity and preplasmic secretion. Koomesh, (2008) 9 (3), pp. 187-192+27.
25- Tayebe B. Lotfabad, Habib Abassi, Reza Ahmadkhaniha, Reza Roostaazad, Fatemeh Masoomi, Hossein S. Zahiri, Gholamreza Ahmadian, Hojatollah Vali, Kambiz A. Noghabi; Structural Characterization of a Rhamnolipid-type Biosurfactant Produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa MR01: Enhancement of di-rhamnolipid proportion using Gamma Irradiation, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2010, 81 (2), pp. 397-405
26- Krzysztof Hinc,#, Soheila Ghandili,#, Gholamreza Karbalaee, Abbas Shali, Kambiz A Noghabi, Ezio Ricca, Gholamreza Ahmadian*. Efficient binding of nickel ions to recombinant Bacillus subtilis spores. Research in Microbiology, (2010), 161 (9), 757-764
Special Issue on “Biology of Spore-formers.
27- Seyedhadi Ghasemi, Gholamreza Ahmadian*, Mehdi Sadeghi, Daniel R Zeigler, Heshmatollah Rahimian, Soheila Ghandili, Neda Naghibzadeh, Ali Dehestani. First report of a bifunctional chitinase/lysozyme produced by Bacillus pumilus SG2. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, (2011), 48 (3), 225-231
28- Leila Badiefar, Mahvash Khodabandeh, Gholamreza Ahmadian. A comparison the production efficiencies of full-length and truncated forms of prochymosin. Int J of Dairy Tech. 2011, 64 (2), 288-293
29- Fasehee H, Westers H, Bolhuis A, Antelmann H, Hecker M, Quax WJ, Mirlohi AF, van Dijl JM, Ahmadian G*. Functional analysis of the sortase YhcS in Bacillus subtilis. Proteomics. 2011, 11, 3905-3913. doi: 10.1002/pmic.201100174.
30- F Ramezani, S Sadr, G, Ahmadian*, M Soudi, S Ghandili ,. Heterologous Expression of Bovine prochymosin in Pichia pastoris GS115. Iranian J. Botechnology, 2013; 11(1).
31- Masoudzadeh N, Zakeri F, Bagheri L. T, Sharafi H, Massomi F, Shahbani Z. H, Ahmadian G, Akbari N. K. Biosorption of cadmium by Brevundimonas sp. ZF12 strain, a novel biosorbent isolated from hot-spring waters in high background radiation areas. Masoudzadeh N, Zakeri F, Bagheri L. T, Sharafi H, Massomi F, Shahbani Z. H, Ahmadian G, Akbari N. K. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 197, 190-198.
32- Ghaemimanesh F, Rabbani H.A, Ahmadian G.*, Zarnani A.H., Behmanesh, M.and Hormozi M. Expression profile of neurotensin receptors in ovarian cancer cell lines. Iranian J of Biology, 2013, 25(4), 474-483.
33- Mostafa Keshavarz, Meysam. Ahmadi Zeydabadi, Gholamreza Ahmadian*. Cloning and expression of Recombinant antifungal chitinase enzyme of Bacillus pumilus in Bacillus subtilis 168. Koomesh, 2012, 13 (2), 151-158
34- Vida Tafakori, Gholamreza Ahmadian* and Mohammad Ali Amoozegar (2012) Surface Display of Bacterial Metallothioneins and a Chitin Binding Domain on Escherichia coli Increase Cadmium Adsorption and Cell Immobilization. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, (2012) 167:462–473, DOI 10.1007/s12010-012-9684-x
35- Mohaddeseh Behjati, Ibrahim Torktaz, Mehrdad Mohammadpour, Gholamreza Ahmadian*, Andrew J Easton (2012) Comparative modeling of CCRL1, a key protein in masked immune diseases and virtual screening for finding inhibitor of this protein. Bioinformation 8(7): 336-340 (2012)
36- Vida Tafakori, Ibrahim Torktaz, Mohsen Doostmohammadi, Gholamreza Ahmadian* (2012) Microbial cell surface display; its medical and environmental applications. Iranian J. Botechnology, 2012, 10, 231-239
37- Zakeri F, Sadeghizadeh M, Kardan MR, Shahbani Zahiri H, Ahmadian G, Masoumi F, Sharafi H, Rigi G, Vali H, Akbari Noghabi K. (2012) Differential proteome analysis of a selected bacterial strain isolated from a high background radiation area in response to radium stress. J Proteomics. 2012; 75(15):4820-32. Epub 2012 May 23.
38- Samie, N., Noghabi, K.A., Gharegozloo, Z., Zahiri, H.S., Ahmadian, G., Sharafi, H., Behrozi, R., Vali, H. (2012) Psychrophilic α-amylase from Aeromonas veronii NS07 isolated from farm soils, Process Biochemistry 47 (9), pp. 1381-1387
39- Morabbi K, Shali A, Naghibzadeh N, Ahmadian G. Characterization of cis-acting elements residing in the chitinase promoter of Bacillus pumilus SG2. World J Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2013, 30 (5), 1491-1499
40- H Sharafi, Maleki H, G Ahmadian, H Shahbani Zahiri, F Masumi, B Houshmand, H Vali and Akbari Noghabi K. Antibacterial activity and probiotic potential of Lactobacillus plantarum HKN01: A new insight into the morphological changes of antibacterial compound-treated Escherichia coli by electron microscopy. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. (2013), 23(2), 225–236.
41- Esmaelizad M, Ahmadian G, Aghaiypour K, Shamsara M, Paykari H, Tebianian M. 2013. Induction of prominent Th1 response in C57Bl/6 mice immunized with an E. coli-expressed multi T-cell epitope EgA31 antigen against Echinococcus granulosus. Folia Parasitol (Praha). 2013 Feb;60(1):28-34.
42- Setareh Tavassoli, Krzysztof Hinc, Adam Iwanicki, Michal Obuchowski, Gholamreza Ahmadian*. Investigation of spore coat display of Bacillus subtilis b-galactosidase for developing of whole cell biocatalyst. Arch of Microbiol, (2013), 195 (3), 197-202.
43- Esmaelizad M, Ahmadian G, Aghaiypour K, Shamsara M, Paykari H, Tebianian M. 2013, Induction of protective T-helper 1 immune responses against Echinococcus granulosus in mice by a multi-T-cell epitope antigen based on five proteins. Memo Inst Oswaldo Cruz. Jun;108(4).
44- Vahed M, Motalebi E, Rigi G, Akbari Noghabi K, Soudi MR, Sadeghi M, Ahmadian G*. Improving chitinolytic activity of Bacillus pumilus SG2 by random mutagenesis. J Microbiol Biotechnol. 2013, 23 (11), 1519-1528.
45- Rigi G, Mohammadi SG, Arjomand MR, Ahmadian G*, Noghabi KA. Optimization of extracellular truncated Staphylococcal Protein A (SpA) expression in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3). Biotechnol Appl Biochem. 2014, 61 (2), 217-225.
46- Gashtasbi F, Ahmadian G* and Akbari K. New insights into the effectiveness of alpha-amylase enzyme presentation on the Bacillus subtilis spore surface by adsorption and covalent immobilization. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 2014, 64, 17-23 doi: 10.1016/ j.enzmictec. 2014.05.006.
47- F. Ghaemimanesh, G. Ahmadian, S. Talebi, A-H. Zarnani, M. Behmanesh, Sh. Hemmati, R. Hadavi, M. Jeddi-Tehrani, M. Farzi, M.M. Akhondi, H. Rabbani. 2014. The Effect of Sortilin Silencing on Ovarian Carcinoma Cells. Avicenna journal of medical biotechnology, 2014, 6 (3), 169
48- S.K. FalahatiPour, Abbas Sahebghadam Lotfi, G. Ahmadian, A. Baghizadeh. Immobilization of Organophosphorus Hydrolase (OPH) on the Surface of Bacillus subtilis Spores by Adsorption Method. Modares Journal of Medical Sciences, 2015, Modares Journal of Medical Sciences: Pathobiology 18 (1), 39-53
49- S.K. FalahatiPour, A.S. Lotfi, G. Ahmadian, A. Baghizadeh. Covalent Immobilization of Recombinant Organophosphorus Hydrolase on Spores of Bacillus subtilis. Journal of Applied Microbiology, (2015) 118(4):976-88. doi: 10.1111/jam.12744. Epub 2015 Feb 4
50- Samira Ghaedmohammadi, Garshasb Rigi, Reza Zadmard, Gholamreza Ahmadian*. Display of bioactive protein A of Staphylococcus aureus (SpA) on the surface of Bacillus subtilis spores, Development of novel immunoadsorptive particles. Mol Biotechnol. 2015 Apr 4. [Epub ahead of print], doi: 10.1007/s12033-015-9868-z.
51- S.K. FalahatiPour, A.S. Lotfi, G. Ahmadian, A. Baghizadeh. High Level Extracellular Secretion of Organophosphorous Hydrolase of Flavobacterium sp. in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)pLysS". Biotechnol Appl Biochem. 2015 Aug 31. doi: 10.1002/bab.1438.
52- Garshasb Rigi, Parisa Beyranvand, Samira Ghaedmohammadi, Sara Heidarpanah, Kambiz Akbari Noghabi, Gholamreza Ahmadian. Comparison of the extracellular full-length and truncated recombinant protein A production in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3). Journal of Paramedical Sciences, 2015, 6 (3)
53- Kambiz Morabbi Heravi, Garshasb Rigi, Maryam Rezaei Arjomand, Amin Rostami, Gholamreza Ahmadian*. An alternative bacterial expression system using Bacillus pumilus SG2 chitinase promoter. Iranian J of Biotechnology, 2015, doi: 10.15171/ijb.1175
54- Ghaemimanesh F, Bayat AA, Babaei S, Ahmadian G, Zarnani AH, Behmanesh M, Jeddi-Tehrani M, Rabbani. Production and Characterization of a Novel Monoclonal Antibody Against Human Sortilin. H, Monoclon Antib Immunodiagn Immunother. 2015 Dec;34(6):390-5. doi: 10.1089/mab.2015.0042.
55- Hashemi SH, Nematzadeh G, Ahmadian G, Yamchi A, Kuhlmann M. Identification and validation of Aeluropus littoralis reference genes for Quantitative Real-Time PCR Normalization. J Biol Res (Thessalon). 2016 Jul 19; 23:18. doi: 10.1186/s40709-016-0053-8.
56- Abbas shali, Garshasb Rigi, Majid Pornour, Gholamreza Ahmadian*. 2016. Expression and secretion of Cyan Fluorescent Protein (CFP) using chitinase promoter of Bacillus pumilus SG2 in B. subtilis. Iranian Biomed J. 2017 Jan 15. pii: pii-A-10-1899-1. [Epub ahead of print].
57- A Rostami, F Goshadrou, N Rezaeinezhad, M Ghafari, G Ahmadian. Immobilization of alpha toxin on the surface of the bacillus subtilis spores., Arvand Journal of Health and Medical Sciences 2016, 1 (3)
58- SH Hashemi, G Nematzadeh, G Ahmadian, A Yamchi, M Kuhlmann Expression analysis of salt stress related expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from Aeluropus littoralis by quantitative real-time PCR. 2016, BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS 9 (3), 445-456
59- Maryam Rezaei Arjomand, Mehran Habibi-Rezaei, Gholamreza Ahmadian*, Malihe Hassanzadeh, Ali Asghar Karkhane, Mandana Asadifar, Massoud Amanlou. 2016. Deletion of loop fragment adjacent to active site diminishes the stability and activity of Exo–inulinase. Int J Biol Macromol 2016 Nov; 92:1234-1241 doi:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2016.08.039.
60- Rostami A, Goshadrou F, Langroudi RP, Bathaie SZ, Riazi A, Amani J, Ahmadian G*. Design and expression of a chimeric vaccine candidate for avian necrotic enteritis. Protein Eng Des Sel. 2017 Jan; 30(1):39-45.
61- Arjomand MR, Ahmadian G, Habibi-Rezaei M, Hassanzadeh M, Karkhane AA, Moosavi-Movahedi AA, Amanlou M. The importance of the non-active site and non-periodical structure located histidine residue respect to the structure and function of exo-inulinase.
Int J Biol Macromol. 2017 Feb 2. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2017.01.130. [Epub ahead of print]
62- Tafakori V, Zadmard R, Tabandeh F, Amoozegar MA and Ahmadian* G. Equilibrium isotherm, kinetic modeling, optimization and characterization studies of cadmium adsorption by surface-engineered Escherichia coli. Iranian Biomed J. 2017. Accepted.
63- G Rigi, M Farhadpour, A Ghasempour*, G Ahmadian*, Hassan Y. Aboul-Enein. Per Aqueous Liquid Chromatography (PALC) as a Simple Method for Native Separation of Protein A. 2017, Chromatographia. October 2017, DOI: 10.1007/s10337-017-3412-1
64- Qafari M, Ahmadian G*, Mohammadi M*. One-step purification and oriented attachment of Protein A on silica and graphene oxide nanoparticles using sortase-mediated immobilization". RSC Advances. DOI: 10.1007/s10337-017-3412-1
65- Simin Khodaei, Samira Ghaedmohammadi, Mehdi Mohammadi, Garshasb Rigi, Parisa Ghahremanifard, Reza Zadmard*, Gholamreza Ahmadian*. Covalent immobilization of protein A on chitosan and aldehyde double-branched chitosan as biocompatible carriers for Immunoglobulin G purification. J of Chromatographic Sciences. 2018, Accepted.
66- Hashemipetroudi SH, Nematzadeh G, Ahmadian G, Yamchi A, Kuhlmann M. Assessment of DNA Contamination in RNA Samples Based on Ribosomal DNA. J Vis Exp. 2018 Jan 22;(131). doi: 10.3791/55451.
67- Rostami A, Hinc K, Goshadrou F, Shali A, Bayat M, Hassanzadeh M, Amanlou M, Eslahi N, Ahmadian G*. Display of B. pumilus chitinase on the surface of B. subtilis spore as a potential biopesticide. Pestic Biochem Physiol. 2017 Aug;140:17-23. doi: 10.1016/j.pestbp.2017.05.008. Epub 2017 Jun 3
68- Parisa Ghahremanifard, Nasim Rezaeinezhad, Garshasb Rigi, Fatemeh Ramezani, Gholamreza Ahmadian*. Designing a novel signal sequence for efficient secretion of Candida antarctica lipase B in E. coli: the molecular dynamics simulation, codon optimization and statistical analysis approach. International J. of Biological Macromolecule, 2018, accepted, doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2018.07.150.
69- Hamidreza Fasehee, Amin Rostami, Fatemeh Ramezani, Gholamreza Ahmadian*. Engineering E. coli cell surface in order to develop a one-step purification method for recombinant proteins. AMB Express, 2018, 8 (1), 107.
70- Garshasb Rigi, Samira Ghaedmohammadi, Gholamreza Ahmadian*. A Comprehensive Review on Staphylococcal Protein A (SpA): Its Production and Applications. 2019. Biotechnol Appl Biochem. 2019 Mar 14. doi: 10.1002/bab.1742.
71- C. Katalani, G. Ahmadian, G. A. Nematzadeh, J. Amani, P. Ehsani, and Gh. Kiani In silico design and in vitro analysis of a recombinant trivalent fusion protein targeting virulence factor of clostridium perfringens. International J. of Biological Macromolecule, 2019, 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2019.09.227
72- C. Katalani, G. Ahmadian*, G. A. Nematzadeh, J. Amani, P. Ehsani, and Gh. Kiani. Design and Expression Optimization of a Chimeric Derivative of NetB, alpha-toxin and metallopeptidase proteins as a Subunit Vaccine against Clostridium perfringens. Vaccine Research, 2019, 6(1): 5-12
73- M Vahed, F Ramezani, V Tafakori, VS Mirbagheri, A Najafi, G Ahmadian*. Molecular dynamics simulation and experimental study of the surface-display of SPA protein via Lpp-OmpA system for screening of IgG, 2020, AMB Express 10 (1), 1-9
74- Camellia Katalani, Gholamreza Ahmadian*, Ghorbanali Nematzadeh*, Jafar Amani, Parastoo Ehsani, Jamshid Razmyar and Ghaffar Kiani, Immunization with oral and parenteral subunit chimeric vaccine candidate confers protection against Necrotic Enteritis in chickens. 2020, Vaccine, 10.1016/j.vaccine.2020.09.047.
75- Jolany Vangah S, Katalani C, Boone HA, Hajizade A, Sijercic A, Ahmadian G*. CRISPR-Based Diagnosis of Infectious and Noninfectious Diseases. Biol Proced Online. 2020 Sep 14; 22:22. doi: 10.1186/s12575-020-00135-3.
76- Zakieh Sadat Hoseini, Abbas Hajizade, Gholamreza Ahmadian*, Fatemeh Ramezani*, Andrew J. Easton. A meta-analysis of the efficiency of metal nanoparticles in vaccine delivery, Nanomedicine, 2021 Mar; 16(6):481-495
77- Saghi Noorai, Howra Bahruloloum, Zakie sadat hoseini, Abbas hajizade, Andrew J Easton, Gholamreza Ahmadian*. Virus-like particles (VLP) based vaccines: Their application as prophylactic and therapeutic vaccine, J of Nanobiotechnology, 2021 Feb 25; 19(1):59.
78- Howra Bahrulolum, Saghi Nooraei, Nahid Javanshir, Hossein Tarrahimofrad, Vasighe sadat Mirbagheri, Andrew J Easton and Gholamreza Ahmadian*. Green synthesis of metal nanoparticles using microorganisms and their application in the agrifood sector. J of Nanobiotechnology, 2021 Mar 26; 19(1):86.
79- Z.S. Hoseini, A Hajizadeh, J. Razmyar, G. Ahmadian*, A. Arpanai*. Mesoporous silica nanoparticles-based formulations of a chimeric proteinous vaccine candidate against necrotic enteritis disease in poultry. Materials Science & Engineering C, 128 (2021) 112316.
80- Optimization of Expression, Purification and Secretion of Functional Recombinant Human Growth Hormone in Prokaryotic Hosts Using Modified Staphylococcal Protein A Signal Peptide. Garshasb Rigi, Amin Rostami, Meisam Jeirani, Majid Vahed, Sahel Rahimi. 2021, BMC Biotechnology. DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-257852/v1
81- The First Report on the Sortase-mediated Display of Bioactive Protein A from Staphylococcus aureus (SpA) on the Surface of the vegetative form of Bacillus subtilis. Samira Ghaedmohammadi, Gholamreza Ahmadian*. 2021, Microbial Cell Factories, 20 (1), 1-11.
82- Jamshid Razmyar, Mina Abbasi, Seyed Mehdi Mirsalimi, Amir Asghari Baghkheirati, Gholamreza Ahmadian,and Azam Yazdani. Serologic and Molecular Evidence of Widespread Infection of Avian Hepatitis E Virus in Poultry Farms of Iran, 2021, Avian Diseases 65 (4), 571-576.
83- Nahid Javanshir, Golsa Nayeb Ghanbar Hosseini, Mahdieh Sadeghi, Ramtin Esmaeili, Fateme Satarikia, Gholamreza Ahmadian, Najaf Allahyari. Evaluation of the function of probiotics, emphasizing the role of their binding to the intestinal epithelium in the stability and their effects on the immune system. 2021, Biological Procedures Online, Dec 1; 23(1):23.
84- Fahimeh Hokmabadi, Reza Zadmard*, Ali Akbarzadeh, Vida Tafakori , Mohammad Reza Jalali and Gholamreza Ahmadian*. Synthesis of a new chitosan-p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene polymer as adsorbent for toxic Hg2+ metal ion. Royal Society Open Science 9 (5), 211223.
85- Faezeh Moosavi, Faezeh Ahrari, Gholamreza Ahmadian* and Mehdi Mohammadi *. Sortase-mediated immobilization of Candida Antarctica lipase B (CalB) on graphene oxide; comparison with chemical approach. 2022, Biotechnology Reports, 34, e00733.
86- B Saedaei Jahromi, G Ahmadian, N Allahyari Fard*. Review of surface proteins of SARS-CoV-2 virus causing COVID-19, Razi Journal of Medical Sciences 28 (9), 104-117
87- Seyyed Hamidreza Hashemi-Petroudi, Gholamreza Ahmadian, Farzaneh Fatemi, Ghorbanali Nematzadeh, Ahad Yamchi, Markus Kuhlmann. Ion Content, Antioxidant Enzyme Activity and Transcriptional Response Under Salt Stress and Recovery Condition in the Halophyte Grass Aeluropus Littoralis, M. BMC Res Notes (IF: 1.29; Q2). 2022 Jun 11;15(1):201.
88- Y Tarverdizadeh, M Khalili, S Esmaeili, G Ahmadian, M Golchin, ...Targeted gene nactivation in Salmonella Typhi by CRISPR/Cas9-assisted homologous recombination World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 39 (2), 58
89- SH Hashemipetroudi, G Ahmadian, F Fatemi, G Nematzadeh, A Yamchi. Ion content, antioxidant enzyme activity and transcriptional response under salt stress and recovery condition in the halophyte grass Aeluropus littoralis ... BMC Research Notes 15 (1), 1-8
90- S Ghaedmohammadi, H Bahrulolum, G Ahmadian, A Systemic Review on Bacillus Subtilis Spore Structure and Its Applications in the Development of Mucosal Vaccines and Adjuvants. Journal of Arak University of Medical Sciences 25 (3), 0-0
91- FS Amjad Zanjani, S Afrasiabi, D Norouzian, G Ahmadian, …...Hyaluronic acid production and characterization by novel Bacillus subtilis harboring truncated Hyaluronan Synthase AMB Express 12 (1), 88
92- S Afrasiabi, FSA Zanjani, G Ahmadian, RA Cohan, M Keramati, The effect of manipulating glucuronic acid biosynthetic pathway in Bacillus subtilis strain on hyaluronic acid production, AMB Express, 2023, 13 (1), 1-12
93- , Howra Bahrulolum, Hossein Tarrahimofrad, Fatemeh NouriSaghi Nooraei, Mehdi Mousavi Sameh, Gholamreza Ahmadian*, Abbas Hajizade*. Diagnosis of viruses and viral infectious diseases using CRISPR/Cas technologies. Virology Journal, 2023, 20 (1), 91
94- Vasighe Sadat Mirbagheri, Alireza Alishahi, Gholamreza Ahmadian, Seyyed Hamidreza Hashemi Petroudi, Seyed Mahdi Ojagh, Gianfranco Romanazzi. Recent findings in molecular reactions of E. coli as exposed to alkylated, nano-and ordinary chitosans. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 253, 127006
95- Vasighe sadat Mirbagheri, Alireza Alishahi1*, Gholamreza Ahmadian*, Seyyed Hamidreza Hashemi Petroudi, Seyyed Mahdi Ojagh, Gianfranco Romanazzi. Toward understanding the antibacterial mechanism of chitosan: experimental approach and in silico analysis. 2022, Food Hydrocolloids, 2024, 147, 109382.
96- Arezoo Mohammadian Farsani, Negin Mokhtari, Saghi Nooraei, Howra Bahrulolum, Ali Akbari, Zoheir Mohammadian Farsani, Seyedmoein Khatami, Mozhdeh sadat Ebadi, Gholamreza Ahmadian. Lipid nanoparticles: The game-changer in CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing. 2024, Heliyon, January 12, DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e24606
97- Bassima Al-Aneed 1 Ali Akbar Masoudi 1 Camellia Katalani 2 Gholamreza Ahmadian 3 Abbas Hajizade 4 Jamshid Razmyar. Evaluation of the Expression of IFN-γ, IL-4, IL-17, and IL-22 Cytokines in Birds Immunized with a Recombinant Chimeric Vaccine Containing Alpha Toxin, NetB, and ZMP against Necrotic Enteritis. Journal of Applied Biotechnology Reports 11 (1), 1229-1235
98- Camellia Katalani, Gholamreza Ahmadian*, Ghorbanali Nematzadeh, Jafar Amani, Parastoo Ehsani*, Jamshid Razmyar and Ghaffar Kiani. Toxinotyping of Clostridium perfringens strains isolated from broiler flocks with necrotic enteritis and evaluation of the effect of toxins on LMH cells, Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research, Accepted (2024).
99- Nahid Javanshir, Ehsaneh Moslem Rezvani, Zakie Mazhary, Sepideh Razani, Gholamreza Ahmadian*, Najaf Allahyari Fard*. Proteome Mining of Sortase A Dependent Proteins (SDPs) in Lactic Acid Bacteria and Docking Analysis of SDPs Interaction with Sortase A, 2021, submitted to “Biomining data”.
Book Chapters (Chapter 18)
1- Hossein Tarrahimofrad, Camellia Katalani 2, Zakieh Sadat Hoseini, S Mahmoodian, G Ahmadian*. Development and Commercialization of Biopesticides: Costs and Benefits, (chapter title: Microbial nanobiopesticides as nextgen biopesticides:development,commercial potential,and challenges, 2023, Elsevier, ISBN:978-0-323-95290-3
2- Howra Bahrulolum1#, Hossein Tarrahimofrad1#, Saghi Nooraei1#, and Gholamreza Ahmadian1*. Book title: "Metal nanoparticles: Microbial and Enzymatic Synthesis and Biomedical Applications”. Springer, Chapter 3. Title: Bacterial and Cyanobacterial Assisted Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticles. under revision.
1- Hossein Tarrahimofrad, Camellia Katalani 2, Zakieh Sadat Hoseini, S Mahmoodian, G Ahmadian*. Development and Commercialization of Biopesticides: Costs and Benefits, (chapter title: Microbial nanobiopesticides as nextgen biopesticides:development,commercial potential,and challenges, 2023, Elsevier, ISBN:978-0-323-95290-3
2- Howra Bahrulolum1#, Hossein Tarrahimofrad1#, Saghi Nooraei1#, and Gholamreza Ahmadian1*. Book title: "Metal nanoparticles: Microbial and Enzymatic Synthesis and Biomedical Applications”. Springer, Chapter 3. Title: Bacterial and Cyanobacterial Assisted Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticles. under revision.
- US Patent 2016 (Provisional), Application No; 62/369,172. Display of Protein A on the Surface of Bacillus subtilis.
- Iranian Patent Organization 1393. Display of staphylococcus protein A on the surface of B. subtilis to develop an immunoadsorbent.
- Iranian Patent Organization 1394. Development of a matrix to purify histidine tag-containing proteins.
- Iranian Patent Organization 1392. Developing a Dual vector for Expression and secretion of recombinant proteins in B. subtilis and E. coli based on B.pumilus promoter of Chitinase operon.
- Iranian Patent Organization 1386. Development of a protein molecular weight size marker based on truncated chitinase
Genes identified, sequenced and submitted in the Gene Bank (NCBI):
1: DQ859055
Bacillus pumilus chitinase operon, complete sequence
2: DQ490987
Bacillus cf. pumilus SG2 chitinase large (chiL) gene, complete cds
3: DQ355512
Bacillus cf. pumilus SG2 chitinase (chiS) gene, complete cds
4: NM_008074
Mus musculus gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, subunit gamma 3 (Gabrg3), mRNA
5: AY704912
Infectious bursal disease virus VP2 (VP2) gene, partial cds
Abstracts and Conference Presentations
- Presentation in workshop of Molecular biology application in Immunogenetics, NRCGEB, Iran.
- Khorramzadeh P and Ahmadian G. Cloning and exoression of Chitinase of B.subtilis SG2. (2005) The 4th National Biotechnology Congress, Kerman, Iran.
- Shamsara , M., Ghorashi , S.A., Ahmadian , G., Salehi Tabar , R. Expression of VP2 Protein of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (Gumboro) in Pichia pastoris (2005) The 4th National Biotechnology Congress, Kerman, Iran.
- Shamsara , M., Ghorashi , S.A., Ahmadian , G., Salehi Tabar , R. Development of a RT-PCR-RFLP Assay for Differentiation Between Iranian Very Virulent Infectious Bursal Disease Viruses and Reported Strains in the World (2005) The 4th National Biotechnology Congress, Kerman, Iran.
- Shamsara , M., Ghorashi , S.A., Ahmadian , G., Salehi Tabar , R. Cloning and Sequencing of the VP2 Gene of a Very Virulent Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (Gumboro) (2005) The 4th National Biotechnology Congress, Kerman, Iran.
- Ahmadian G, Ahmady M, Soruri A. 14th National and 2nd International Biology Conference. Cloning and expression of Prochymosin in E.Coli. 28-31 August 2006, Tehran, Iran
- The 9th Iranian Congress of Biochemistry (and the 2nd International Congres of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology), Shiraz, Iran, Oct 29-Nov 1, 2007. Comparison of Expression of Two Different forms of Prochymosin gene in two E. coli BL21 recombinant strains. Badiefar L, Khodabande M, Ahmadian G, Fatemi SA, Asgarani E and Salek Esfahani M.
- Gashtasbi F, Ahmadian G, Akbari K (2012). Immobilization of Bacillus licheniformis α-amylase on to bacillus subtillis spores. 12th Iranian Genetics Congress, May 21-23, Tehran, Iran.
-Oral presentation at the 134th SGM (Society for General Microbiology) meeting held in Warwick University (England) in March 1996. Title “Evidence for the use of second open reading frame in the 22K gene of respiratory syncytial virus”.
-Poster presentation in the annual meeting of the research assistants, post-doc fellows and residents of the department of pathobiology and laboratory medicine of Toronto university, Toronto, Canada. February 1999. Title “Mechanisms involving plasma membrane targeting of the GABA receptor”.
- Oral presentation in Neuroscience meeting in Sick Children Hospital, Toronto, Canada.
- Oral Presentation in the Institute of Medical Sciences of University of Tokyo (Japan).
- Mehdi Shamsara, Seyed Ali Ghorashi, Gholamreza Ahmadian, Madjid Momeni Moghaddam, Leila Angadji, Reyhaneh Salehi Tabar, Cloning and Expression of VP2 Gene of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus in Yeast, 14th World Veterinary Poultry Congress, 22-26 august 2005, Istanbul, Turkey.
- The 4th European Spore Conference, Cortona, Italy. Biosorption of Nickel Ions by recombinant spore of B.subtilis. Ghandili S.2#, Hinc K.1# , , Shali A.2, Karbalaee G.2, Ricca E.1 and Ahmadian G.2* 2010
- Ahmadian G, Shamsara M, Karbalayi MA, Hadji khodadad S (2012). Using recombinant E. coli as a novel vaccine against foot and mouth disease virus. 22nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID). April 31-May 3, London, U.K.
- Tavassoli S, Anchimiuk A, Nowakowska M, Hinc K, buchowski M, Ahmadian G (2012). Investigation of spore surface display of Bacillus subtilis β galactosidase for developing a whole cell biocatalyst. 5th european spore conference. London, U.K. 16-19 April.